
Save Money When Going Out

It seems as though whenever we go out for the night, it costs much more than we originally intended to spend. Having a 'night on the town' shouldn't cost you a whole weeks salary.

Keep in mind that the amount you spend is directly related to the place you go and what you purchase. If you are attending an opera with private balcony seats, followed by an elegant candle-lit dinner . . . . plan on spending more than forty dollars.

However, many activities can be a lot of fun and not cost much money at the same time. Sure, it's nice to go out in style once and awhile, but realistically, how often can our pocketbooks afford it?

Use the following tips to help cut some of the costs when going out. These tips can also be helpful if you have children, and are looking for some lower priced outings.

How And Where To Save Money

You can often find local organizations and establishments offering a variety of "weekly" specials that will save you money. By lowering prices and offering special discounts, these businesses attract customers during their "down" time, or slow days.

For instance, many Los Angeles area bars and restaurants offer free midweek buffets, $1 drink specials, and even half price appetizers. And many times, these specials last all night long! Those that don't, have "Happy Hours" usually from 4-8pm offering food and drink specials ranging anywhere from $1-$5.

Granted these places won't have the typical Friday night crowds, nevertheless they WILL provide you and your date more quality time together and save you money at the same time.

There is no need to feel cheap, or tight, just because you are interested in saving some of YOUR money. Is there a law commanding that you spend $200 every time you go out?

Check For Local Events

Another idea is to check with your City Hall or local Parks and Recreation center to see what's coming up. Often cities/counties sponsor a number of dance, theater, musical and visual arts events that are either FREE, or cost a few dollars for admission.

Local colleges also offer quite a number of events that cost very little to attend. Sporting events, musicals, drama and performing arts, are just a few that you will find. Contact your local colleges and see if you can be placed on a mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.

Don't forget to check the papers and the ever popular website!

Many times you will find ticket deals on all types of events just from browsing the classifieds/Internet. You can often find ads placed by season ticket holders, selling because they are unable to attend. This is a great opportunity to score on a deal. You may also find lower priced tickets on games that are during the week or on games that are a bit "unpopular".

Save When Dining Out

If you are looking to save money when dining out, consider eating something at home before you go out, to lessen your hunger. You can then order a smaller meal or an appetizer when out. Also, avoid desserts and alcoholic beverages at restaurants since their markups are very high. This will really reduce the overall cost for dinner.

Here's an idea for a somewhat of a romantic evening. Prepare a nice candle-lit dinner at home (pasta is very inexpensive) along with soothing music and afterwards, go out somewhere nice for dessert or a nice walk around a lake or by the beach.

It Does Not Stop Here

These are just a few ideas and tips that can help you save money when going out, but don't stop here! There are literally hundreds of activities, places, and events to see and do that cost very little. All it takes is a little research, creativity, and a willingness to try something new.

How about camping at the beach, desert, or mountains? Not only is camping inexpensive, but tons of fun. The whole family will enjoy this weekend getaway. You can also try visiting parks and lakes in your neighboring cities and towns. Doesn't a relaxing picnic and a nice walk through scenic trails and vistas sound wonderful?

Just remember, it shouldn't matter where you go with your 'special' someone. If you really enjoy each others company, then you will have fun literally anywhere you go. You can even make it a contest between the two of you to see who can come up with the best lowest priced date. Take turns and compare the price and results afterwards. Contests are always fun especially when the two of you get to decide on what the winner gets ;-)

Gregory Thomas has been writing effective money-saving tips for for over six years. Hop on over and you'll find FREE money-saving articles, a monthly newsletter, and even a FREE Ebook download just for stopping by!



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