
Free Quick and Easy Money Saving Tips - Part 1

With the high cost of gasoline and the amount of money needed to lead a comfortable life slowly increasing many consumers may be worried about how to make ends meet. Fortunately there are lots of ways to save money in a variety of areas. Using any of the 5 tips outlined below will leave a little something extra in your bank account at the end of month and eventually could influence the quality of lifestyle you lead.

Tip Number 1 - If you want to find out whether or not your home is wasting any of your money you can have a home energy audit done. This simple procedure can identify ways to save up to hundreds of dollars a year on home heating (and air conditioning). In some cases your utility company will conduct an audit for free.

Tip Number 2 - In many cases your utility bill can be adjusted in your favor simply by performing your regular chores at a different time of the day. Ask your utility company if they offer discount rates during non-peak usage hours. If they do modify your current routine or schedule in order to take advantage of lower rates. For instance instead of doing laundry during the day wash your clothes at night after 9:00 pm if your electrical company offers cheaper rates at that time.

Tip Number 3 - Your phone bill is another easy target when it comes to looking for ways to save money. Once a year, review your phone bills for the previous three months to see what local, local toll, long distance, and international calls you normally make. Write these figures down and then call several phone companies, which provide service in your area. Using the phone usage amounts you previously wrote down compare what these other providers offer in order to find the cheapest calling plan that meets your needs.

Another popular money saving alternative is a bundled package. A bundled package offers local, local toll and long distance, and possibly other services at a better rate then you would normally pay separately. Be sure to also check your phone bill to see if you have optional calling features or additional services, such as inside wire maintenance, that you don't need. Every non-essential option you drop could save you $30 or more each year.

Tip Number 4 - When making your phone rate comparison as outlined in tip number 3 make a mental note to identify if you make very few toll or long distance calls. If so then avoid calling plans with monthly fees or minimums. Another option would be to disconnect your phone service altogether and use dial around services such as 10-10 numbers or prepaid phone cards for your calls. When shopping for dial around service, look for fees, call minimum, and per minute rates. Treat prepaid cards as cash and find out if there is an expiration date.

Tip Number 5 - If you make a large amount of your phone calls away from your home make sure to shop around to find the best deal on cell phones and calling cards. Make sure to compare per minute rates and surcharges for cell phones, prepaid phone cards, and calling card plans to find how to save the most money. Cell phone plans offer so many options that failure to compare and find the best one that closely matches your calling patterns is like throwing money down the toilet.

These 5 quick tips could easily save you several hundred dollars a year, which you could put to better use in a savings program or to pay off higher interest loans and other bills.

Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides insurance information and offers discount auto, life and home insurance that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Other websites operated by Tim: - Free information and resources regarding cell phones and cell phone plans. - Which provides free money saving loan quotes on all of your loan needs to include home equity loan information.



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