
Budgeting and Debt Management

Debt management (specifically unsecured) is the first step to taking control of your money! Add a household budgeting plan and you've got a powerful tool for money management.

Together, budgeting and debt management build financial security and independence. Yes, you can reduce debt and save for your future financial security at the same time! It can be done.

Anyone can do it and everyone deserves it!

In fact, it's the only budgeting plan that makes perfect sense. Budgeting to include debt management in your personal finance plan builds a good strong defense against credit card use.

Unexpected events and expenses play a significant role in creating debt for most of us. A good budgeting plan that prepares you for those events and provides a strong foundation to fall back on is essential for successful debt management.

This is where most self-created budgets fail. Even the best intentions are doomed if you are you guilty of this common oversight? Without a complete plan, we fall right back into the old credit card trap. Feeling helpless and cornered into using credit to just make ends meet.

Free yourself from the burden of credit card debt. You will never be financially independent as long as you have to depend on the credit card companies to survive.

Quit investing in the credit card companies and start investing in yourself!

Yes, I know the feelings all too well. Barely making ends meet, budgeting chaos, struggling to maintain "everything's O.K." while finances continue to get worse and worse. Stop the feelings of inadequacy and failure!

In today's fast moving society it's not unusual for the average family to be living way beyond their means. With that in mind, quit blaming yourself. This is the world we live in. Many of us have gotten trapped by society's expectations.

I made the decision to stop the madness and help myself! You can too! A budgeting plan that includes managing debt will help you succeed at money management.

Create a plan based on your individual needs...set your own goals...and begin your journey to lifelong financial security and independence! After all, we all have different needs and obligations, so everyone's plan has to be designed to suit their unique situation.

The key to financial success is to live within your means!

The key to independent wealth is living below your means! But wait...we're getting way ahead now. After living way beyond your means for so long, it's hard enough to scale down to reality. Once you have that mastered, and see how much money you didn't even know you had, you'll be eager to scale down even more!

Debt management is crucial for any budgeting plan to succeed. And, likewise, a good household budgeting plan is essential for any debt management program to succeed.

One cannot be successful without the other. Like "peanut butter and jelly" most of us can't have one without the other. They just go together!

Cheryl Johnson is a mother of four helping herself and others become and remain debt free. Publisher of Simple Debt Free Living - A self-help plan, ideas, and resources for debt reduction, personal budgeting, frugal living, and extra income opportunities.



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