
Bouncing Back from a CCJ

Should you be unfortunate enough to face a CCJ - but subsequently succeed in having it either set aside or reversed - the court will automatically remove the entry from the Register of County Court Judgments.

The court must send notification of cancellation to the Registry Trust within three days of the date of the order. The entry should be removed from the Register and from the credit reference agencies' databases within three to four weeks.

If you show you have paid the debt in full within one month of it being entered on the Register, you can have the entry cancelled. Otherwise, once the debt has been paid, you can apply to have the entry amended to show the debt has been paid.

Bear in mind that this does not remove the entry, it only marks it as paid or "satisfied". Whether or not a Judgment has been paid it will remain on your file for 6 years. After that time the records are deleted.

In England and Wales, a Certificate of Satisfaction, stating that the debt has been paid, can be obtained from the County Court in which the case was heard. The fee is £10. If the debt was not paid through the court, for example, it was paid direct to the lender, the court will require evidence that the Judgment has been satisfied, ie paid. The court will need the case number of the action.

The number and the name of the court are shown on the Register of County Court Judgments, under your name, and on your credit reference file. The court will then issue a Certificate of Satisfaction to you and automatically inform the Registry Trust that the debt has been paid. There is no statutory time limit within which the court must do this.

Tony Shipley



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