
Debt Elimination

If you're reading this article right now I'm sure that you are looking for a debt elimination system that will help you get out from under you personal mountain of debt. Hopefully you're not looking for the magic pill that will suddenly dissolve your debt problem. I'm afraid that I have to tell you that there is no magic debt elimination system.

We get into debt either by our poor spending habits or by not being prepared for unexpected expenses and often a combination of the two. It is not uncommon to hear of someone who has poor spending habits and a somewhat manageable debt load who has had an unfortunate event that puts them into a financial tailspin.

To get out of debt and stay out of debt you must change your attitude about how you spend money or you will never stay out of debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan or going bankrupt will not help you. You must change your spending habits. You have to make up your mind that you will spend less than you earn or you will just go back into debt again.

There also are those who do not excessively overspend but they are not prepared for unexpected expenses. They may have little or no debt when suddenly something happens that takes them deeply into debt. This can be an illness, an engine blowing up in your vehicle, a tree falling on your house or any number of catastrophes.

Knowing this, the first step in getting out of debt is to change your attitude. You must decide that you will no longer accept living in debt and unprepared for life's uncertainties.

You must decide that whatever it takes, you will do it. Without this intensity it will be difficult for you to succeed. Without this intensity new cars and the shiny advertisements will draw you back into debt.

Remember, the first step to staying debt free must be an attitude change.

John Cook is the author of Finance For, a website designed to assist families in making smart financial decisions. The burden of seemingly insurmountable debt is destroying too many families. You can read more at



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Debt Elimination 1
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Utah, the Nation's Bankruptcy Capital
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Should You Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service for Debt Relief and Financial Freedom?
Do You Need to Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service?Are you in a "debt hell"? If you are unsure, ask yourself these questions:Do you have bill collectors calling you and home and at work, leaving annoying messages?Are you afraid to open the door in the morning because you are afraid that the Sheriff's office has left a court goody for you?When the phone rings, do you get butterflies in your stomach?If you answer the phone and it's a bill collector, when they ask for you, do you reply "He/She's not in right now", or even just pick up the phone and then hang it up without saying who is on the other end?Do you go for days on end without checking the mail because there are only bills there?When you finally do get the mail, do you just throw it in some random location for weeks or even months without ever opening it?Are you paying one credit card company's bill with another credit card?Are your credit cards riddled with over the credit limit and late fees?Do you only receive high interest credit card offers?Have you applied for credit cards or car loans and been told that you had been denied because of bad credit?Does your credit report show a lot of late payments, charge-offs, bad debt, 30 60 90 or 120 days late entries listed?Does filing bankruptcy seem like your only way out? If you related to at least two of those items, chances are you would benefit from a consumer credit counseling service.Believe me, I know what you are going through.
How To Get Out Of Debt
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